The animated film “Heartsping: Teenieping of Love” has surpassed 1 million viewers. According to the distributor Showbox, the cumulative number of viewers exceeded 1 million as of the morning of the 41st day since its release.
“Heartsping: Teenieping of Love” is the first theatrical version of the “Catch! Teenieping” series.
The “Teenieping” series has recorded over 800 million global views and is so popular among children that it has earned the nickname “Bankrupt Pin” for emptying parents’ wallets.
It has been 12 years since a Korean animation surpassed 1 million cumulative viewers, the last being “Dino King: An Amazing Adventure 3D” (2012). Additionally, it ranks third in cumulative viewers among Korean animations, following “Leafie, A Hen into the Wild” (2.2 million) and “Dino King: An Amazing Adventure 3D” (1.05 million).
The film, released on the 7th of last month, has maintained its popularity for over a month. Not only families but also the MZ generation are sharing their experiences of watching Heartsping on social media, increasing the number of viewers in their 20s and 30s. The story of love and friendship, which everyone can relate to, and the theme song sung by Winter of the idol group “aespa” have also captured the hearts of parents.
Online communities and social media are buzzing with videos of children crying after watching “Heartsping: Teenieping of Love” The reactions from adults are also pouring in, with comments like “I went to show it to my nephew, but I ended up crying,” and “From the moment I first saw it, I was unknowingly drawn in.
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