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<The current situation in Korea and a request to everyone around the world>

While watching YouTube, I often come across videos claiming that Korea is a very safe country.

When I see parents and children walking around freely, even in the middle of the night, I find myself thinking the same.

Of course, no place can be said to be completely safe.

However, I believe that if those currently creating this chaotic situation end up taking control of the country, Korea will no longer remain a safe nation.

Currently, all media outlets in Korea are mass-producing fake news to conceal the truth. The opposition party, which aligns with pro-North Korea forces and pro-China forces, along with certain members of the ruling party who have been influenced by them, and even some uninformed citizens, are launching a full-scale attack to impeach the president.

These people seem to have no understanding of how much freedom, happiness, and security they enjoy in this country called Korea. They also appear unaware of the sacrifices made by our ancestors to protect this freedom.

Moreover, they seem to have no idea how much trouble they are causing for the good-hearted citizens who possess a correct understanding of reality.

Therefore, I have a request for everyone.Please do not be swayed by the flood of fake news. I urge you to discern what is fact and what is falsehood.

I can say with confidence that the current government is resisting in order to protect the Free Republic of Korea. Citizens like myself support this government, joining forces and doing our utmost to safeguard this nation. This is the undeniable truth.

Everyone, I sincerely hope that Korea can remain the Korea it has always been a free country where you can all feel safe and secure.

Please watch over and support the current government and its people.

I never imagined I would write something like this on my company's website.But considering the extremely dangerous situation we are facing, I decided that I must share this message with everyone.

Please lend your support so that Korea can walk the right path.

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